Good Habits for Keeping Your Kitchen Perpetually Clean

by Jeanne Caldwell 08/16/2020

Photo by Mabel Amber via Pixabay

You can walk into some folk’s homes and feel the chaos, while in other homes, all you see is clean. There must be a secret to keeping a house picked up without the aid of a housekeeper, right? Right! People whose homes always appear tidy have habits that keep them that way. Here are some of those habits that you can adopt in the kitchen to keep it clean.

Clean While Cooking

Instead of leaving pots or chopping boards to soak, wipe them with a soapy sponge and give them a quick rinse or pop them in the dishwasher. Pans left to soak after a meal become onerous and tempt you to leave them until morning. Cleaning them right away means the food particles wash off more quickly too.

Find a Great Broom or Dust Mop

If you hate the tool, you’ll hate using it. Instead, try out a couple brooms or even microfiber dust mops to see which one you like best. Run it over the kitchen floor at the end of the day, and you’ll wake up to a clean kitchen.

Tuck Away Small Appliances

Toasters, mixers, the slow cooker or Insta-pot all clutter up room on your kitchen counter and gather dust and food debris. Keep them out of sight on a pantry shelf and just pull them out when in use. They stay cleaner and ready to use, and your countertop sparkles.

Hide the Mess

Open shelving adds a beautiful dimension to a kitchen, but when the shelved items don’t naturally stack, they look messy. Hide things away in deep drawers or cupboards that don’t match or rest awkwardly. Use your shelves to display pieces you love, or that stack artfully.

Do These Daily

Wipe the refrigerator doors daily to keep fingerprints at bay, and while you’re at it, take a moment to get the shelves too. Then, ditto with the microwave. Keeping fingerprints and food spills wiped up every day helps avoid the significant cleaning days so many people dread.

Stop the Spills

Well, you can’t always stop spills, but you can stop most spatters. Keep a cover handy for the microwave so that those little “pops” don’t become big messes. If little ones consistently spill milk from a gallon jug, pour some into a smaller container for them to use.

Keeping your home picked up when you have it on the market is essential for a lower-stress selling experience. If you need other ideas about preparing your home for sale, ask your professional real estate agent.

About the Author

Jeanne Caldwell

I am in the business of learning, and when you are buying a home, learning what the "perfect" beach dream home looks like to you is the starting point for finding it. When you are selling your family's home, hearing about what you have enjoyed while you lived there helps me find the next happy owners. It is a new frontier with targeting your message these days. Digital Platforms allow marketing to a targeted homebuyer who is looking for your home! As a Realtor, I use the North East Florida Association of Realtors MLS, and the many platforms included with it. Also used is Social Media, Digital Advertising, as well as good ole Print, Open Houses, and Signage in front of your house. Thinking about buying or selling? I am ready to hear what you have to say. Call Anytime. 904-699-4991